Kshara karma

In Ayurveda kshara means a caustic substance obtained from the ashes of medicinal plants. They are alkaline in nature and are used to treat various anorectal diseases. Kshara karma is a very milder and superior procedure that replaces all surgical procedures and effectively treats the condition effecting the anal area with less chance for recurrence. Kshara karma is a safe established procedure that is minimally invasive without any side effects.

Kshara Sutram

In Ayurveda kshara means a caustic substance obtained from the ashes of medicinal plants. They are alkaline in nature and are used to treat various anorectal diseases. Kshara karma is a very milder and superior procedure that replaces all surgical procedures and effectively treats the condition effecting the anal area with less chance for recurrence. Kshara karma is a safe established procedure that is minimally invasive without any side effects.

Advantages of kshara karma

– Less intense postoperative pain
– No bleeding
– Out patient treatment
– Cost-effective and ambulatory
– Faster healing and recovery
– No risk for recurrence and infection
– No surgical complications like Incontinence and stenosis.

Advantages of kshara sutram

– Simple and safe ayurvedic-para surgical procedure
– Less intense postoperative pain
– No bleeding Outpatient treatment
– Cost-effective and ambulatory
– Faster healing and recovery
– No risk for recurrence and infection
– No surgical complications like Incontinence and stenosis.


A lubricated slit proctosecope is passed into the anal canal and kshara is applied over the internal piles mass to turn color and burning of it. Next, the pile mass is washed with lemon juice to neutralise the kshara and a rectal pack is given.

This mode of treatment helps for quick healing and reduces the chance of recurrence. The treatment also preserves the continence of the anal canal.


The mood of ksharasutram treatment slightly varies for each particular anorectal condition. The doctor initiates the procedure by administrating a dose of local anesthesia to the patient to relax the muscles and get a painless field. A malleable metallic probe is passed through the external opening of the fistulous tract and gently taken out through the internal opening of the anal canal. Both end of the kshara sutram are tied together.

The medication or coating in the thread is released in a slow phase and simultaneously cuts, curettes, drains, and heals the fistula and haemorrhoids in the anal passage. The thread is changed in the interval of one week with a new thread. This may continue for up to 5 weeks during which the abnormality is cut and healed.


The whole plant of apamarga is collected dried up and burnt to obtain ashes that are mixed 6 times of water and filtered multiple times to attain a clean and clear liquid. The liquid is evaporated 1/3 of its original quantity to get a mild concentrate of kshara. For a moderate kshara, some gram of limestone is added to the filter solution and continuously stirred and evaporate to 1/3 of the original quantity. For a highly concentrate kshara this is further heated up with chitrakakalka to attain a thick solution. Thekshara is classified upon their concentration level and is used accordingly.


Ksharasutram treatment is a minimum invasive para surgical procedure performed for the management of anorectal disorders such as fistula in ano haemorrhoids. Ksharasutram treatment is a completely established ayurvedic procedure that is safe and cost-effective in treating the painful anorectal condition. Ksharasutram used a thread that is coated with various combinations of medications that have intrainflamatory and antibacterial properties. anti slough agent and chemical cutting agent and with a ph level towards the alkaline side. These features help in simultaneous cutting curating draning and healing o the tissue in the ano rectal canal.

General advice after kshara sutram treatment

– At subash clinic along with the treatment therapy patient are advised strictly to follow a customized diet plan that includes fibre containing diet and vegetables with plenty of water.

– The doctors tailor the meal plan to avoid the consumption of food that can cause constipation and to clear the bowel regularly without any excess strain on the muscle that enables bowel movements.

– Regular physical activity with less strain such as walking is required to improve the blood circulation to all extremities of the body.

– Patients are advised to avoid prolonged sitting that can apply pressure on the area.

– The anal canal region should be kept hygiene and do proper dressing during the course of treatments.

Subash clinic offers safe and effective ayurvedic treatments option to patients who are diagnosed with the anorectal disorder through a completely natural and ayurvedic procedure that helps recover and prevent and the recurrence of the condition. To know more about ksharasutram treatment and treatment costs visit the clinic now.